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Free Plan 0 5 0 no 30 days 1 Month $0.00
Special Offer - 1 Month of Unlimited Job Postings 200 unlimited 0 no 30 days 1 Month $150.00
Special Offer - 3 Month of Unlimited Job Postings 300 unlimited 0 no 30 days 3 Months $350.00
Special Offer - 6 Month of Unlimited Job Postings 600 unlimited 0 no 30 days 6 Months $600.00
Special Offer - 1 year of Unlimited Job Postings unlimited unlimited 0 yes 30 days 12 Months $999.00
1 Job Posting 0 1 0 no 30 days 12 Months $25.00
5 Job Postings 0 5 0 no 30 days 12 Months $100.00
10 Job Postings 0 10 0 no 60 days 12 Months $200.00
1 Feature Job Postings 0 0 1 no 30 days 12 Months $75.00
5 Feature Job Postings 0 0 5 no 30 days 12 Months $275.00

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