About Us

Ultimatejobs.com was established in 1998 to serve the needs of both professionals seeking employment and staffing firms and corporations seeking quality candidates. While the job market has seen tremendous changes since 1998, Ultimatejobs.com has continued to develop its products and services to meet the needs of professionals and employers.

Ultimatejobs.com has never focused on becoming the largest job board, but has consistently endeavored to be one of the best. Our tools for job seekers such as Jobmail, Resumemail, Bookmarking, and Saved Searches compare favorably with the tools offered by much larger, less focused job boards.

Additionally, hiring parties find our resume bank search systems easy to use. These search tools combined with three different resume sources make finding quality candidates even more efficient. Our job posting systems are intuitive and effective, and our member workstation can be mastered in minutes.

The staff of Ultimatejobs.com listens to the comments and suggestions of our users. Most importantly, we develop our product and services based upon this information. We always welcome any and all input. Whether you are a job seeker or a staffing firm or corporation, we look forward to serving you.

Thank you for visiting Ultimatejobs.com.


3705 Sancroft Ave
West Bloomfield,  MI.  48324 


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