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IKEA hiring for 250 positions at San Antonio-area store

by - 10/02/2018
SAN ANTONIO — The furniture retailer IKEA is looking to fill 250 positions for the first San Antonio-area location opening in winter 2019.
Positions for the Live Oak store range from store administrators, risk and compliance, to food service, and store maintenance workers.
Several positions require just one year of work experience and a high school diploma.

“IKEA recognizes the customer base that exists in the San Antonio-area, and I look forward to providing existing customers as well as future new customers with a store of their own,” Manager Diedre Goodchild said. “At the same time, I also am excited about growing the IKEA culture among new co-workers in San Antonio. We are thrilled to offer jobseekers diverse positions with limitless opportunity at a global company known for being a great place to work, and believe it is as fun to work at IKEA as it is to shop at IKEA.”

To see the full list of open positions, goto

Goodchild was appointed as manager for the San Antonio-area location on Tuesday morning.
Live Oak City officials say the new store will bring nearly 2.3 million people through Live Oak each year.
The store is expected to open in winter 2019.
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