Article Listing (1 to 8 from 8)

Postdate  Article Title  Category  Article Author 
Feb 4 Resume Action Verbs & Keywords Resume Advice

If your resume is scanned electronically by a potential employer, the computer scanner will pick up on these keywords.

Dec 8 How to Write a Resume Career Summary Resume Advice Kim Isaacs

Generate Interest with a High-Impact Summary Statement

Dec 20 How to Decide on Resume Length Resume Advice Kim Isaacs

"How long should my resume be?" is one of the most commonly asked questions about resumes.

Jun 2 Five Steps for Updating Your Resume Resume Advice Caroline Levchuck
Today Common Resume Blunders Resume Advice Kim Isaacs

Make sure your resume is in top-notch shape by avoiding the top 10 resume blunders:

Jan 8 Building a Strong Resume Resume Advice

A strong resume is vital to finding a job. Think of your resume as a marketing tool that grabs the attention of a hiring manager and gets you in the door of the company to make your sales pitch.

May 17 8 Résumé Editing Tips Resume Advice Jennifer Anthony

Depending on how it's written, your résumé can make or break your job search.

Sep 15 Common resume mistake Resume Advice Killer Resume

Be sure to avoid these mistakes when writing your resume.

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